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A sexual act shatters the nervous system. The whole nervous system is shaken and stirred by each other. There is an enormous loss of energy. Much energy is wasted during the sexual act. This is not the case when the ejaculation happens during sleep. In a wet dream, it is essentially only a manifestation of the prostatic fluid.
Translator's note:
I'm not sure if the statement Swamiji agrees that when a pollution most of the ejaculate prostatic fluid is made. After all, there is the normal orgasm most of the ejaculate fluid from the glands of the seminal vesicle gland. The glandular secretions from the seminal vesicle gland makes 50 to 70 percent of the ejaculate of some. The prostate ejaculate, however provide only about 10 to 33 percent of (see: semen ). Perhaps this was in 1934 when the book by Swami Sivananda was written, not yet known. I found on wikipedia yet found something that confirmed my suspicion: the capsule of the prostate runs like the seminal vesicles during ejaculation together as well, so that the liquid of the two institutions and the mixture is ejected. Under section 5.2 and 5.3 is described in detail on the male sex organs nor received.
Translator's note:
I'm not sure if the statement Swamiji agrees that when a pollution most of the ejaculate prostatic fluid is made. After all, there is the normal orgasm most of the ejaculate fluid from the glands of the seminal vesicle gland. The glandular secretions from the seminal vesicle gland makes 50 to 70 percent of the ejaculate of some. The prostate ejaculate, however provide only about 10 to 33 percent of (see: semen ). Perhaps this was in 1934 when the book by Swami Sivananda was written, not yet known. I found on wikipedia yet found something that confirmed my suspicion: the capsule of the prostate runs like the seminal vesicles during ejaculation together as well, so that the liquid of the two institutions and the mixture is ejected. Under section 5.2 and 5.3 is described in detail on the male sex organs nor received.
During orgasm the man's sperm gets out of the testis and epididymis (sperm) of the vas deferens up, then with the glandular secretions from the vas deferens ampulla, seminal vesicle gland, prostate, and bulbourethral (Cowper's gland) and the mixture through the urethra excreted (see Pictures at 02.05 and 05.03 ). The prostate produces a milky-clear secretions, with the sperm, and with glandular secretions from the vas deferens ampulla, seminal vesicles and bulbourethral gland together form the ejaculate. The alkaline fluid of the prostate gland (prostate) ensures the mobility of sperm. Without this secretion will be given the vagina, in the acidic environment prevailing one, does not happen and the uterus ascend.
Excuse me if I add some notes in between. But I needed it to myself to be clear. Maybe it helps yes also your understanding. Therefore, I will discuss later in some detail the different glandular secretions.
End Note translators.
Even if there is a nocturnal orgasm (wet dreams) a loss of vital fluid is not so much. It therefore occurs during the wet dreams little semen out. It is only the watery prostatic fluid with a little seed that is discharged during nocturnal pollutions. When a nocturnal ejaculation takes place, the mind works on astral plane and takes the physical body into an exciting erotic adventure. That is the reason why the ejaculation takes place suddenly. The nocturnal ejaculation may not even stimulate a sexual desire. A voluntary sexual intercourse, however, is detrimental to a genuine celibacy for his spiritual progress to a large degree. The impressions from the sexual act, however, are usually very deep and they affect the already existing impressions in the subconscious and they encourage increased sexual imagination. It is like oil that is poured into the fire. Each new race routes will increase the arrest of sexuality even further and make it difficult to work, to free itself from this sensual desires. You should give up sex completely. Your mind will try to deceive you in many ways, by giving you wrong advice. Be alarmed. Do not listen to his voice, listen to the voice of conscience, the voice of the soul, the voice of distinction.
A large proportion of energy is wasted during the sexual act. A poor memory, premature aging, impotence, various eye diseases, various neurological diseases are the consequences of severe loss of this vital liquid. It's really a shock to see many young people as they walk with tottering steps, with a pale, bloodless face, due to the loss of this vital sperm, therefore, instead of here with agile, nimble steps and there, with the strength and vitality a squirrel to jump. Some men are so passionate and weak that causes even the thought of the sight or touch of a woman ejaculates with them. Their lot is pathetic! But what we see in these days? Boys and girls, men and women drowning in the ocean of impure thoughts, lustful desires and sensual pleasures. It is unfortunate indeed highly appreciated. It is really shocking to hear the stories of some of these boys. Many students come personally to me and tell me about her pathetic life, a life of gloom and depression through heavy seed loss resulting from masturbation and sexual intercourse. Their energy to the distinction has been lost as a result of sexual debauchery and lustful intoxication.Why are you wasting your energy for a short sensual pleasure, which took many weeks and months to grow?
Calcium and phosphorus deficiency by ejaculation Few know about the chemical processes involved in sexual intercourse, more precisely, the ejaculation, he was brought voluntarily or as a pollution occurring during sleep. It was found that the human seed contains not only the hormones of the gonads, but also nutrients such as lecithin, phosphorus, calcium, iron and vitamin E and cholesterol. The chemical composition is similar to that of nerve and brain tissue. Dr. Raymond Bernard writes: "Lorand indicates that activity is linked to the sex gland with high excretion of phosphorus and calcium. During puberty, a similar calcium and phosphorus deficiency results in the blood because up under the influence of growth hormone, the bones and the skeleton is stretched. Just these two substances are removed from the body through ejaculation. Havelock Ellis has made the observation that early and extensive growth in the masturbator left behind. The young organism is claimed to charge before it is fully developed. According to McCallum and Voegtlin calcium depletion leads to hyperexcitability of the nerve cells that can only be resolved through increased calcium intake. As much calcium is lost during ejaculation, explaining the one hand, the nervous symptoms and on the other hand, the severe fatigue after orgasm. The same is true for phosphorus loss. Phosphorus is essential for the nutrition of nerve and brain tissue, and pronounced deficiency can cause neuroses and psychoses. " Lifestream to "Every time the man ejaculates (has a ejaculation), takes on the body that he father a new life: The amount of energy lost in a male orgasm is, appears from an article by Mantak Chia. The Tao According to sacrifice all organs and glands for their best energy. An average ejaculate contains between 50 and 250 million sperm. When the body continually replenish these stocks do not have sperm, the Taoist doctrine, he can use the saved energy to strengthen the body and mind to promote health, creativity and intellectual growth. " This, learn what the men and orgasm are 5 to 10 contractions of the prostate.The seed, produced in the testis is then stored in the epididymis. The maturation of sperm in the testis is approximately 72 days. The epididymis is essentially used for the storage of sperm produced by the testes and passes into the vas deferens. During ejaculation, a little sperm by contraction of the vas deferens of the testis and epididymis up sucked, then with the glandular secretions of the seminiferous ampoule, seminal vesicle gland, prostate fluid and the secretion of the Cowper's gland mixed and excreted as ejaculate through the urethra. Graphic representation:
Processes in the male genital tract For the image above: testicles (= Bildungsort of sperm), epididymis (= camp of the sperm). The Ejakulationsweg the sperm is the two vas deferens (3), both ejaculatory ducts (6) and the urethra (11) formed by. As ejaculatory duct passage is the prostate into the urethra by means. Along the Ejakulationsweges add various glands (4 +5 +7 +9 +10) secretions in the ejaculate. (embryology.ch )
Male urethra with accessory glands
This alkaline fluid of the prostate gland (prostate), a milky-clear secretions, ensures the mobility of sperm. Without this secretion will be given the vagina, in an acidic environment that prevails, not pass and ascend into the uterus. The prostate gland produces about 10 to 33% of the volume of seminal fluid. Their secretion acts as a nutrient for sperm, and contains everything they need on their arduous journey to the egg: fruit sugar for food, water to swim in it, and acid, which brings the sperm from the testicles of their rigidity. These sperm will the minerals sodium, potassium, zinc and magnesium. Only when the prostate for the right mix in the ejaculate, ensures the fertility of the male is assured. During ejaculation are usually from the beginning of puberty about 2 to 6 ml of semen (ejaculate) and from man to man or ejaculation ejaculation very different speeds through coordinated contractions of the epididymal duct (ductus epidedymidis), the vas deferens (ductus deferens), the seminal vesicle (seminal vesicle), prostate and urethra (urethra) and on the contractions of the pelvic floor muscles on the outer urethral opening usually in multiple groups - according to the reflex-driven muscle activity - expelled. During ejaculation several waves of muscle contraction are responsible for ensuring that the ejaculation takes place in several stages. Ejaculation |
Because it's often said, an orgasm is present no energy loss, even to the tremendous effort shown, which is operated to produce the male sperm. The semen is almost a small miracle hormonal and having an orgasm, the sperm involved in their production of many glands and organs are wasted. The body must now direct all his energies to produce new sperm. This energy is the well-being, vitality, and lost the person feels unwell, tired and exhausted.
The sperm is made up of sperm cells, epithelial cells of the seminiferous tubules and the actual semen, the seminal plasma, together. On average, the volume of a human ejaculation 2 to 6 ml (about 5 calories), with an average of 1 ml contains 20 to 30 million sperm (see the stallion 22 billion). That is 0.5% of the total ejaculate, the rest is seminal fluid. The semen is also usually slightly salty and contain protein, (the sperm), containing dopamine, noradrenaline, tyrosine, the bonding hormone oxytocin and vasopressin, and various estrogenic, pheromones (odors) and beta-endorphin. There is evidence that components of seminal fluid stimulate the production of cytokines (growth of sugar-containing proteins) in the uterus. These favor the implantation of the fertilized ovum into the womb
The sperm is made up of sperm cells, epithelial cells of the seminiferous tubules and the actual semen, the seminal plasma, together. On average, the volume of a human ejaculation 2 to 6 ml (about 5 calories), with an average of 1 ml contains 20 to 30 million sperm (see the stallion 22 billion). That is 0.5% of the total ejaculate, the rest is seminal fluid. The semen is also usually slightly salty and contain protein, (the sperm), containing dopamine, noradrenaline, tyrosine, the bonding hormone oxytocin and vasopressin, and various estrogenic, pheromones (odors) and beta-endorphin. There is evidence that components of seminal fluid stimulate the production of cytokines (growth of sugar-containing proteins) in the uterus. These favor the implantation of the fertilized ovum into the womb
Seminal plasma
The seminal plasma (ejaculate) is obtained from secretions of the gonads following:
1. Testis and epididymis
2. Seminiferous ampoule
3. Seminal vesicles
4. Prostate gland (prostate)
5. Cowper's gland (bulbourethral)
2. Seminiferous ampoule
3. Seminal vesicles
4. Prostate gland (prostate)
5. Cowper's gland (bulbourethral)
Here is the pictorial representation: Male sex organs. There you can watch the details.
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Male sex organs |
Testis and epididymis (testis): The testis is the male gonads. It consists of about 250 lobules, which are separated by connective tissue. Each lobule consists of several highly convoluted tubules. In the seminiferous tubules is the development of sperm. Until full maturation of sperm (spermatozoa), they spend about 72 days in the seminiferous tubules, where they precursors in the germinal epithelium (germ cells and supporting cells) of seminiferous tubules formed are different than. The mature sperm then enter the epididymis, their storage space. The seed head has a length of about 50 - 60 cm and leads from the epididymis, starting in the spermatic cord through the inguinal canal and flows together with the duct of the seminal vesicles within the prostate into the urethra. In the testis and epididymis, only 3-5% of the total contribute an ejaculation volume, contributing, in addition to the sperm including testosterone, regulate the production of sperm and the effect is a liquid, the tire and immobilization of the sperm produced.
Netdoktor: The testicles - incubator for seed maturity: called) The (in medical language revenge testis testis, the male gonads. The two pairs of eggs or plum-shaped body has five centimeters in diameter and a weight of 25 to 30 g. The testes hang around at the so-called spermatic cord, a bundle of muscles, blood vessels, nerves and vas deferens to move freely in the scrotum. They produce sperm (about 2,500 units per second) and testosterone. Testosterone is the male sex hormone, the development of secondary sexual characteristics, such as male voice, the facial hair, shoulders, head and pubic hair and muscle distribution and the bone is responsible for. Testosterone also regulates the seed production. The sperm (seed) mature in about 250 chambers (Hodenläppchen), into the testes of each is divided. The Hodenläppchen caused by a knot of seminiferous tubules, where sperm are formed. The total of one testicle tubules have a length of almost 200 meters out. Male sperm cells during the aging process is very temperature sensitive, so they are cooler regions swapped in: In the scrotum degree the temperature is about two to two and a half lower than in the abdomen.
Epididymis - the base camp prior to the application: Behind the testicle is the epididymis. It consists of a six-meter-long tube coiled into a tight coil system, which is formed of testicular sperm to be stored until its use in. The epididymis produce for the storage of a particular secreted by the very movement of sperm loving temporary "immobilized" are. If the base camp to complete, nature helps by an uncontrolled ejaculation (Pollution). This usually happens at night during sleep.
Vas deferens ampoules: In the wall of the end section of the vas deferens (in the region of the prostate) glands are embedded packets. In humans, these glands deposits also lead to an externally visible swelling of the vas deferens, which is referred to as vas deferens ampulla. The vas deferens ampulla produces some of the seminal fluid.
Seminal vesicles: The seminal vesicles are two pairs of glands that consists of a tortuous tube. The inner wall of this tube consists of secretory gland tissue. The secretion of the seminal vesicle controls the most volume, about 50-70% of the ejaculate at. It is used to liquefy the ejaculate and contains fructose (fruit sugar) and other substances to the diet of the sperm is used, as well as large amounts of prostaglandins (hormones with high impact diversity schmerzbekämpfend, anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, fever-reducing) and fibrinogen (anti-clotting protein). The prostaglandins contribute to fertilization in in which endometrium receptive to the fertilized egg making, and possibly where they smooth muscles in the uterus wall to peristaltic (wave-like contractions of circular muscles) movements stimulate the sperm towards the ovaries bring. They also prevent infection in the male reproductive tract.
wikipedia : Also as seed bubbles in the animal kingdom containers for storage of sperm designated to the female (as in ants) and the male (such as the dragonflies) can both occur.In humans, there seems to be that the produce be stored sperm in the epididymis only.
Prostate gland (prostate) prostate is a chestnut about large organ that the surrounds the urethra below the bladder. The early part of orgasm control prostate (gland) or 10-33% in the form of a thin, milky liquid at the. The capsule of the prostate runs like the seminal vesicles during ejaculation together as well, so that the liquid of the two institutions and the mixture is ejected. The secretion of the prostate contains ions (sodium, potassium, zinc and magnesium, calcium, citrate (citric acid), phosphate ions), a clotting enzyme and Profibrinolysin (blood clotting). The pH of the prostatic fluid is slightly alkaline (pH 7.2) and serves to offset the slightly acidic fluid from the seminal vesicles, metabolic (metabolic) degradation products of the sperm, and the expected milk acidity of the vagina. This is particularly important because sperm pH of 6.0 to 6.5 are best moved with a first.Furthermore, PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) included to move to make sperm. The prostate gland also releases white blood cells, various leukocytes (used for defense against bacteria, parasites and fungi) into the seminal plasma, usually 1 (max. 2 m) per 1ml.Therefore, the infectivity (attachment and propagation of pathogens) of sperm (such as HIV (AIDS)).
Cowper's gland (bulbourethral): First of all, triggered by the excitement innervated (nerve impulses supplied with) the parasympathetic nervous system (autonomic nervous system), the Cowper's glands (in man, about 5 cm long, the duct opens into the urethra) and stimulates them to secrete a relatively small proportion of 2-5% clear mucus, also wanted to drop (also like droplets Vorlusttropfen, desire drops, lucky drop, liquor of love, medical: Präejakulat can, in the late plateau phase, shortly before orgasm, the male member even before ejaculation leave .), are concerned. The desire drops consist of a clear mucus from different types of glandular cells and can even be mixed with sperm.Therefore, it contains the seeds pregnant women are also. The secretion of the bulbourethral before the actual ejaculation is usually given (pre-sperm fraction of semen).The mucous secretion is probably mainly of neutralization of urethral, and possibly also the acidic vaginal environment.
The ejaculate is composed as follows | ||||||||||||
Section 5.3 is not the translator of Swami Sivananda.
Mantak Chia will argue that people would not lose any energy during an orgasm. He speaks of a loss of semen without orgasm, and do in such a way as if the people who use its Taoist sexual practices, no ejaculation. That this is not so, we shall see. This should be as loud as Mantak Chia, just before the orgasm the index, middle and ring fingers of his stronger hand to the point of a million gold pieces, to the point, meeting point of the vas deferens and the ureter (see picture), solid to press the seed flow is stopped. You must use your finger to the first knuckle into drive, or about 1.5 to two centimeters.

Next Mantak Chia says: Tension during orgasm your PC muscle (Pubo-coccygeal muscle, pelvic floor muscle) and pull the perineum (between the penis and butt) high. Pump the Pomuskel and drag the orgasmic energy up mentally over the backbone to the brain. The combination of the simultaneous tightening of the PC muscle, and the tightening of the foot-fist and jaw muscles to withdraw the genitals, the blood and the energy they need for the involuntary spasm of need (involuntary muscle contraction during the Orgamus'). If the pressure exerted on the right spot, so no semen comes out.
Mantak Chia theory works on the one hand, because is withdrawn by the simultaneous tightening of the PC muscle, and the tightening of the foot-fist and jaw muscles, not the genitals, the blood and the energy they need for the involuntary spasm. prevent precisely this spasm, the Mantak Chia would actually takes place but. It is indeed an orgasm. The feeling of pleasure of orgasm that is based essentially in the 50-10 muscle contractions (spasms) of the prostate.
This we read in wikipedia under Injukalation :
"By the pressure on the point between anus and scrotum before stimulation climax - with consistent application of the method. - Pulled the trigger of the seminiferous received before the urethra, so that can not escape the sperm case, the seminal fluid of the semen from the prostate is resumed, the. is followed by the voluptuous sensation is caused by the contraction of various (prostate) muscles who want to push the sperm, which does not happen. By this, the body "pantomime" ejaculation occurs while a sexual gratification, but this method as a whole has a more stimulating and loss-sustaining, rather than tiring as real (sexual) satisfaction. It is important, just to press the point, not something wrong. Otherwise, the semen is backward injected into the bladder, as evidenced by turbid expressed urine at the next urination. The main benefit of Injakulation is the separation of orgasm and ejaculation, so that the associated with ejaculation Refraktionsphase remains off and the erection. This allows men to experience multiple orgasms.
The translation of Far Eastern concepts and ideas in a rational and scientific terminology is always problematic. Explaining the loss-preserving effect (Taoism) with the remaining seeds in the prostate fluid (medicine) to do is, at best, inappropriate. From school medical perspective, the body no ejaculation "tricked". There will be all muscle contractions associated with orgasm, the liquid is not only excreted. on energy flow and meridians so that nothing is said. Medical school a permanent retention of sperm in the vas deferens is a health hazard. Since the Injakulation but there is no functional impairment, the retained fluid to the next flow of urine or semen is excreted. A "recovery" of the seminal fluid through the prostate is at least doubtful. Some will even argued that the liquid will "re-absorbed by the blood," which is absolutely impossible. Nutrients absorbed in the gut of the organism on the mucous membranes, where they are directed into the bloodstream. The outer skin is ready for absorption. Glands, vas deferens and urethra but does not produce and transport them. "So far as wikipedia.
All glands give, then, as in a normal orgasm, their glandular secretions that make up the ejaculate from. These glands include: 1 Testis and epididymis, 2 Seminiferous ampoule, 3Seminal vesicles, 4 Prostate gland (prostate), 5 Cowper's gland (bulbourethral). In other words, there is a normal orgasm. The ejaculate, however, can not flow through the urethra, as both the vas deferens and the urethra by the pressure to the "million dollar point" is blocked. Therefore, the ejaculate enters into either the bladder or the prostate. Wikipedia has largely adhered to the official view of Taoism, which is not to say that this view corresponds to reality. I doubt that the orgasm is prevented in which the seed ejection means of pushing the million dollar point, leading to multiple orgasms. There is a maximum, as in Tantra, a gradual increase in sexual desire instead of the discharges with orgasm. The interim increase, the time between climbing new sexual plateau, but one should not be regarded as an orgasm. Therefore, our place, no multiple orgasms, but only a normal orgasm, possibly at a slightly higher Niveuau, and then the air is out, just exactly like a normal orgasm.
have now, however, the different glandular secretions in the prostate (if they do not land in the urinary bladder) are mixed and they will probably not possible and have no longer grounds, wander back into the various glands. The ascent of the energy passing through the spinal cord to the brain, which Mantak Chia would like a hand, by pumping the Pomuskels and reach the other mentally happens all by itself, like any normal orgasm. So you need not at nachzuhelfen. In other words, I consider the sexual practices Taoist Mantak Chia's for nothing more than a good business idea, which to date has also sold very well. As we learn in the course of this book, Mantak Chia was not the first one attracted by this method the people on the wrong track. Even in ancient times it was irresponsible yogis who went with this method, wealthy men the money from his pocket and drove it into the public health disaster.
Mantak Chia theory works on the one hand, because is withdrawn by the simultaneous tightening of the PC muscle, and the tightening of the foot-fist and jaw muscles, not the genitals, the blood and the energy they need for the involuntary spasm. prevent precisely this spasm, the Mantak Chia would actually takes place but. It is indeed an orgasm. The feeling of pleasure of orgasm that is based essentially in the 50-10 muscle contractions (spasms) of the prostate.
This we read in wikipedia under Injukalation :
"By the pressure on the point between anus and scrotum before stimulation climax - with consistent application of the method. - Pulled the trigger of the seminiferous received before the urethra, so that can not escape the sperm case, the seminal fluid of the semen from the prostate is resumed, the. is followed by the voluptuous sensation is caused by the contraction of various (prostate) muscles who want to push the sperm, which does not happen. By this, the body "pantomime" ejaculation occurs while a sexual gratification, but this method as a whole has a more stimulating and loss-sustaining, rather than tiring as real (sexual) satisfaction. It is important, just to press the point, not something wrong. Otherwise, the semen is backward injected into the bladder, as evidenced by turbid expressed urine at the next urination. The main benefit of Injakulation is the separation of orgasm and ejaculation, so that the associated with ejaculation Refraktionsphase remains off and the erection. This allows men to experience multiple orgasms.
The translation of Far Eastern concepts and ideas in a rational and scientific terminology is always problematic. Explaining the loss-preserving effect (Taoism) with the remaining seeds in the prostate fluid (medicine) to do is, at best, inappropriate. From school medical perspective, the body no ejaculation "tricked". There will be all muscle contractions associated with orgasm, the liquid is not only excreted. on energy flow and meridians so that nothing is said. Medical school a permanent retention of sperm in the vas deferens is a health hazard. Since the Injakulation but there is no functional impairment, the retained fluid to the next flow of urine or semen is excreted. A "recovery" of the seminal fluid through the prostate is at least doubtful. Some will even argued that the liquid will "re-absorbed by the blood," which is absolutely impossible. Nutrients absorbed in the gut of the organism on the mucous membranes, where they are directed into the bloodstream. The outer skin is ready for absorption. Glands, vas deferens and urethra but does not produce and transport them. "So far as wikipedia.
All glands give, then, as in a normal orgasm, their glandular secretions that make up the ejaculate from. These glands include: 1 Testis and epididymis, 2 Seminiferous ampoule, 3Seminal vesicles, 4 Prostate gland (prostate), 5 Cowper's gland (bulbourethral). In other words, there is a normal orgasm. The ejaculate, however, can not flow through the urethra, as both the vas deferens and the urethra by the pressure to the "million dollar point" is blocked. Therefore, the ejaculate enters into either the bladder or the prostate. Wikipedia has largely adhered to the official view of Taoism, which is not to say that this view corresponds to reality. I doubt that the orgasm is prevented in which the seed ejection means of pushing the million dollar point, leading to multiple orgasms. There is a maximum, as in Tantra, a gradual increase in sexual desire instead of the discharges with orgasm. The interim increase, the time between climbing new sexual plateau, but one should not be regarded as an orgasm. Therefore, our place, no multiple orgasms, but only a normal orgasm, possibly at a slightly higher Niveuau, and then the air is out, just exactly like a normal orgasm.
have now, however, the different glandular secretions in the prostate (if they do not land in the urinary bladder) are mixed and they will probably not possible and have no longer grounds, wander back into the various glands. The ascent of the energy passing through the spinal cord to the brain, which Mantak Chia would like a hand, by pumping the Pomuskels and reach the other mentally happens all by itself, like any normal orgasm. So you need not at nachzuhelfen. In other words, I consider the sexual practices Taoist Mantak Chia's for nothing more than a good business idea, which to date has also sold very well. As we learn in the course of this book, Mantak Chia was not the first one attracted by this method the people on the wrong track. Even in ancient times it was irresponsible yogis who went with this method, wealthy men the money from his pocket and drove it into the public health disaster.
Section 5.4 is not the translator of Swami Sivananda.
The vow of bramacharaya( means charaya- seek, seeker of brahma) can only be attained with true love of the opposite sex NOT by excluding the consciousness of SEX itself. SEX itself means Synergistic Energy Exchange(SEX). Repression leads to many psychological problems...transformation on the other hand, here I believe due to the force of LOVE transforms the energy at the base chakras to more refined subtler energy...culminating to the lightless light...the Mula Brahma..if you will...I sincerely believe..there is nothing to be repressed in entire creation matrix..only loving understanding of what is and allowing it to transform through Unconditional LOVE
ReplyDeleteThe article is not clear. So is the wet dream as harmful as sex or not ? Besides , I have spent lakhs and lakhs of rupees to treat it for a decade and still there are 2 t o3 i na month. I am totally psyched out and worried. Doctors say it's normal, scriptures say it's not, and there are lies i nscriptures in many places or maybe they didn't know much. I am in no way advocating for sex etc. But what can a person do about wet dreams !!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt is worth to remember about the contributions made by The Rishi's Of India, towards our General Wellness & Spirituality. They are namely, The 4 Purusharthas : ----- (Dharma, Artha, Kama & Moksa ) & 4 Varna Ashramas,: -- (Brahmacharya, Grihastha Ashrama, Vanaprastha & Sanyasa) for The Self Liberation . With the passage of Time, Dharma got diluted & lost its ||Pristine Importance, whereby Artha , Kamas started taking Us for an Illusory ride !
ReplyDeleteAs on now, we cannot afford to take The Passive Position of Horn Bill (Bird - Vezhambal ) waiting patiently with an open mouth, expecting rain water (God) ? But instead, right now, sincere self efforts must be made with consistent determination & indomitable courage towards Total Purification of Intelligence & Mind [ like how a tortoise withdraws its legs inward ] for withdrawing our 5 Senses Inward along with our Extroverted Minds To seek The Presence Of All Pervading Pure Consciousness in The 72000 Meridian Channels. This Inner Experience of All Pervading Eternity has to be earned with Utmost Sincerity ! Finally, The Natural Happening Of Total Celibacy will be The Tangible Hall Mark Of Spiritual Truth & Wellbeing . Mortal - self becomes One with All Pervading Pure Consciousness thereby getting liberated from Birth / Death Cycle .
Thanks for sharing such beautiful information with us. I hope you will share some more information about sperm. Please keep sharing.
ReplyDeleteHealth Is A Life
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ReplyDeleteThanks for all this precious information. I have wet dreams quite often and this really helps