Sunday, December 18, 2011

20 Reasons To Live In The Present Moment

Living in the present moment richness and awareness to our lives, yet we choose to live in the future or the past most of the time.
Instead of telling you how to live in and experience the "magic of this moment" I invite you to examine your own moments and increase them exponentially.
Below is my experience of living in the magic of the present moment.
When I live in the present moment I am joy in expression.
When I live in the present moment I avoid worry about the future.
When I live in the present moment I enjoy the taste of one sweet red raspberry.
When I live in the present moment I am grateful and appreciative.
When I live in the present moment I am peaceful and calm.
When I live in the present moment I lose all sense of time.
When I live in the present moment there is no story about conflict or fear.
When I live in the present moment I feel Spirit all around me.
When I live in the present moment nature becomes breath taking.
When I live in the present moment my intuition is loud and clear.
When I live in the present moment I can only love and feel loved.
When I live in the present moment I hear my soul sing.
When I live in the present moment no task is too daunting.
When I live in the present moment every cell in my body awakens.
When I live in the present moment I understand the mysetery of life.
When I live in the present moment my heart breaks open.
When I live in the present moment my mind is quiet.
When I live in the present moment I am at my best.
When I live in the present moment light dispels all darkness.
When I live in the present moment I am happy, joyful and free.
When I live in the present moment doors of opportunity swing open on their hinges with the momentum of unlimited opportunities. 
When I live in the present moment I am creating the amazing person I was born to be and the awesome life I was meant to live.
Together, let's decide today that we will just "be" in the present moment.
What does present moment living do for you?
475ABD1B3FA44CD4EC623D9B512EE2D6 20 Reasons To Live In The Present Moment 

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