Several of the proposed work, many monographs of study includes, in fact, the study of subtle vibrations, produced by the human word. believe that we can not, at bottom, to contemplate the mystery it: the whole individual vehicle, the pronunciation. The word is the Word, the word is <exactly who the pronunciation>, even if expressed through a technological tool, which reproduces, seemingly far from its creator. Dov 'ending is the true nature of the mysterious self of the individual, and begin its various bodies? can be said, indeed, that some event will be able to break the circuit cosmic alloy, and makes unit, the various parts of this Self, and that of each of them, do not face the exact center of the individual <the>? traces we leave in our environment, whether visible or invisible, magnetic or coarse, are - according to the knowledge of the purest of esoteric - not just a part, a fragment <distaccato> of our ego, but <our own Self integral>. This is the hidden key to the truth: <All is One>. According to this logic, the ineffable vibrations of the voice of Yoganandaji are not - regardless of whether he is outside or inside the time and three-dimensional space - its <adorable and ineffable Appendix>; them <Yoganandaji ARE SAME>. Files that you will hear, then, are one of the most sacred and powerful manifestations the divine nature of the cosmos. listening to them, and opening your mind to the realization of the mystic key that we have just indicated, you will find themselves at the feet of the Real Presence of the Guru Sweet and Loving! Rejuvenate, then, in the light of His Blessing, every time , your life and the lives of your loved ones will retract ...
"Beholding the One in All" (Owning the One in all)
(7.5 Mb - 32 min.)
An informal talk by Paramahansa Yogananda, recorded in 1949 during a banquet on the occasion of his birthday. Yogananda speaks jokingly of some facts of his life, tells instructive episodes and parts of the Indian Scriptures, describing how there is a great purpose behind all creation, that 'look behind the illusions to discover the glory and infinite Love of God
"Oh God Beautiful" (Oh God Magnificent)
Prayer at Dawn
(dawn prayer)(1'11 "- MP3 - 1.6 Mb)
Prayer at Eventide
To know more 'about the technique OM click HERE
"God, Christ, Gurus" (God, Christ, Guru - Prayer)(2'25 "- MP3 - 2.2 Mb)
"In the Temple of Silence" (In the Temple of Silence)
"Prayer at Night" (Night Prayer)(3'24 "- MP3 - 3.1 Mb)
"The Hound of Heaven" (The Hound of Heaven - Prayer)(4'09 "- MP3 - 3.9 Mb)
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
The voice of Paramahansa Yogananda
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